What Is Health, a private consulting practice located in Essex, MA, specializing in personalized, functional nutrition and wellness. I am Marnie Lawler, a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who is passionate about helping people regain their health through diet and lifestyle changes... everyone should be given the ability to achieve their personal goals.
What Is Health was created out of a true desire to help people live life to their fullest potential. I see people with a variety of conditions and use a holistic approach to nutrition and wellness. As my client, I take into consideration all the factors that can affect your nutritional status - diet, stress, sleep, exercise, history, and genetics.
All of these lifestyle factors play into your unique nutritional profile. With this information we are able to dive into what is going on inside your body which may be blocking you from achieving your health goals, despite your best efforts. It is also important to note that each person is treated individually and their healing journey is based on their needs.