Workplace Wellness
Nutrition seminars are a cost-effective way to reach a large number of people and address multiple topics.
Seminars range from one-hour “lunch and learns” to three-hours and cover variety of topics. I can work with you to customize a topic for your unique needs.
Whether you are looking to:
Manage healthcare costs
Decrease sick days
Increase productivity
I offer workplace wellness programs that will help you empower your employees with life-changing nutrition, lifestyle and health information.
I provide a variety of wellness solutions to help your employees understand how good nutrition and simple changes can:
Improve mental focus
Support energy throughout the day
Increase production, increase metabolism
Balance moods
Create health and well-being.

Eating for Optimal Health
and Productivity
Counting calories and tracking food is out. Eating real food is in. During this seminar, you will learn how to fuel your body so you are energized, your mind is sharp and you are productive throughout the day. No more lows around 3 in the afternoon where you turn to coffee or a sweet to keep you going. Leave feeling empowered and ready to clean out your cupboard!
Gut Health -
What is it and why it is
important to you?
This seminar focuses on one of the most important aspects to our health, the gut. Hippocrates said twenty five thousand years ago, “All Disease Begins in the Gut.” We are finally catching up to this ancient wisdom and it has gone mainstream. This unique and extremely important topic will cover: how your gut microbiome is connected to numerous diseases, brain issues, immune stress, your metabolism and more. Research over the past two decades has revealed that gut health is critical to overall health, and that an unhealthy gut contributes to a wide range of diseases including diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, autism, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and more. Give your employees the knowledge they need and deserve to live a long, healthy, productive life!

Managing Stress Through
Diet and Nutrition
Life certainly has its ups and downs and at times can be extremely stressful, but that doesn't mean it has to affect your health or your performance. Lack of sleep, exposure to colds and flu, emotional stress, and poor eating habits all put stress on your body. This seminar will offer nutritional strategies to condition your body so it can deal with life's daily stresses. Specifically, diet and healthy lifestyle choices that can reduce your body’s stress burden, helping you take control. The results will help boost your body's immune system, increase your energy level, and prevent stress related symptoms, which may include fatigue, headache, low back pain, irritability, weight gain, sleep issues, foggy brain, chronic inflammation, to name a few!
The Truth About Fats
Are fats good or are they bad? This seminar is all about fat: why we actually need it for optimal health. Right now you may be trying your best to follow the USDA guidelines. You may be eating margarine or vegetable oils, eating plenty of grains, maybe even eating a low-fat diet. Or, you may just be confused with all the information out there on fat. Find out why good fat is actually good for us, which fats you should be eating, why we shouldn't be scared that fat contains more calories, and how healthy fats should be the cornerstone of very healthy eating.

Don't Let Your Business Trip
Sabotage Your Goals
The idea of a business trip can make your stomach flip. “Even though I've been eating so well lately, you might think, this is where it ends. Might as well kiss all that progress goodbye, right?” Business travel and weight-loss do not play well together, but it doesn't have to be that way! In this seminar we will cover how to stay on track and maintain your healthy lifestyle. The good news is, this is easier than you think! Get ready to learn which foods to take with you through the airport to your destination, what to order in restaurants that will keep you in line with your health goals and be satiated! Even exercise tips will be discussed.
Tips and Tricks to Boost
Your Immune System
Is it cold and flu season? Besides the flu shot, give your employees the information that they need to stay healthy, productive and at work! Topics covered in this seminar include, how to wake up your immune system so it can respond to whatever comes your way. Lifestyle techniques will be discussed as well as diet. Leave this seminar with an appreciation of how much YOU CAN CONTROL!!!